I found the "Play the Diabetes Diet Game and Win" ebook through Google. I was searching for something different, the natural wave, fed up of insulin and pills of all colors. So I entered Julia Hanf's web site, and sincerely I did not like much of what I found. I considered some of her statements a real hype.
For instance, she says that his husband's doctor asked her to teach him how to defeat diabetes and then teach his patients! Then she says that everyone can enjoy their favorite foods and notwithstandig conquer diabetes. I had thought that I was doomed to super restrictive diets, and got nervous talking about my unhealthy eating habits. Also, she says she discovered an all-natural sweetener capable of stabilizing blood sugar levels and blocks the cravings for sugar.
Bottom line: she talks about "defeating" diabetes, not live with diabetes or relieve the symptoms, like everybody else including physicians do.
All of this was quite different from what I expected. But, as I was completely dissapointed of the "orthodox medicine", the doctors, the pills, the insulin and the rigorous diets, I decided to purchase "How to Play the Diabetes Diet Game to Win" and give it a try. I thought "what can I lose, considering it is so well-priced and has a money-back guarantee?" It costs just like an insuline 10 ml. small bottle! I told myself "I am not sure it's going to work but I won't lose much anyway ..."
I started to read the book with increasing interest. I found a whole lot of information, and so well organized that reading it was fun, easy and very understandable for anyone any age. I set up a plan: not to tell my doctor anything. I finished reading the ebook and decided not to tell my
endocrinologist what I was going to do from then on. I did not want to be stopped for whatever reason, for I was decided to follow the ebook guidelines, keeping the facts only for myself. The recommended supplements are anyway easy to get, cheap (compared to the prescribed medicine I was taking everyday) and all-natural, so I would not run any risk.
I began my diet very enthusiastically, taking my supplements as well, and even exercising almost everyday. The diet was somewhat different from my dietitian's. Truth is, in less than a month my glycemia levels that I read everyday started to go down little by little.
In the next consultation, I told my endocrinologist that my blood sugar was about 75 before breakfast, and that during the day that level was even lower sometimes. I needed to have a snack at hand. I did not mention I was playing the diabetes diet game. He felt happy though a little bit flabbergasted. Very prudently, he reduced my insulin daily doses.
To make it short, five or six months later, my insulin requirements are now almost insignificant. My nerve pain are almost gone. My hypertension is well controlled. I lost about 20 pounds. My progress is so evident that I am sure I will get rid of diabetes mellitus shortly. I was so anxious to tell my doctor the whole story, that he didn't need to twist my arm to have me do it. He asked more and more information, until I had to recommend him the ebook, gosh! He bought it some days later, and I am sure he is going to apply at least parts of the methods to his own patients.
I don't know if "How to Play the Diabetes Diet Game to Win" is the panacea, the cure-all, the perfect remedy for all diabetics. You have to put persistence and consistency, but it's really easy to follow, and results show up pretty soon.
One important "side effect" of playing this game is that I save quite a bit of money on insulin and pills.Another one: I can eat all kinds of foods, in reasonable quantities and I've already lost, as I said, about 20 pounds.
Of course, if you don't like natural remedies, herbal supplements, if you prefer to go on with traditional drugs, pills, insulin and the like, I would not recommend you to buy "How to Play the Diabetes Diet Game to Win". Do not waste your money in it, if that is the case. Keep on searching the web, the bookstores, and more and more doctors.
On the other hand, if you are like me, decided to defeat diabetes mellitus altogether, save your money and live a wholesome healthy life and get the ebook as soon as possible.
If you do it through this link, you'll get for free another three complimentary ebooks, full of information and guidelines, from the same author, to support you on the different facets of your new lifestyle.